Blulight Pictures

Discover with Blulight the cinema of the future

The evolution of digital in cinema

For years we have been witnessing the greatest revolution of our time: the digital revolution. New languages, especially among the young and new generations, are spreading in the field of communication and this evolutionary situation is laying the foundations for the establishment of a new entertainment culture. 

In recent years, the world of cinema has also undergone a real transformation at the level of creative production, and new technologies have become an increasingly powerful part of it. It is therefore becoming commonplace to hear talk of virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence in the film industry as well.

By these means, cinema becomes more and more a ‘lived’ experience and the storytelling part takes on an increasingly important role. Storytelling is crucial for structuring a truly engaging story. 

The cinema of the future: what will it be?

In the cinema of the future, following current trends, consumers will increasingly be the protagonists of film plots and will also be able to decide on plot developments, while at the same time having a 360 degree immersive experience. Cinema will change following the logic of the market and will be imbued with new technologies to guarantee the best possible experience for the spectator.

The question we are left with is: what will the cinema of the future develop into? Surely we at Blu Light, following the direction of William Nines, will see them from a front row seat.


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